Access to electronic resources at UMBB is reserved for students, teachers, and M’hamed Bougara University – Boumerdes.
List of electronic resources:
1- SNDL:
- SNDL provides access to a rich and varied national and international electronic documentation, covering all fields of education and scientific research.
- It meets the needs of Algerian universities for high-quality electronic resources and scientific and technical documentation.
How to access SNDL?
Two access modes to SNDL:
1- Via the University’s IP address Intended for all students, teaching staff, and permanent researchers within university campuses.
2- Via an access code Dedicated to teaching staff, permanent researchers, postgraduate students (PhD and Master’s), engineering students at the end of their course, and Master 2 students.
How to obtain an SNDL access code?
If you are a researcher and/or teacher affiliated with a research laboratory: Approach your laboratory director.
If you are an unaffiliated teacher or a Master 2 student: Approach the university library (BU). An online registration form for the SNDL system is available at faculty libraries and the central library.
Registration is open from Sunday to Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
What resources are accessible through SNDL?
SNDL offers three types of resources:
- Subscribed resources (click here)
- Open Access resources (click here)
Locally accessible databases:
- JSTOR: Provides access to electronic archives of nearly 700 periodicals across various disciplines such as humanities and social sciences, mathematics, and biology. Access via the University’s IP address
- OpticsInfoBase: OSA Publishing is the largest collection of peer-reviewed optical and photonics information globally. Access via the University’s IP address